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Editor's Page

Our Vision

Thunder Valley Racing is dedicated to the support and promotion of women race car drivers.

We celebrate women racing at all levels, from local track amateurs to professional drivers in all forms of the sport.

If women raced Zambonies or lawnmowers, we'd celebrate them as well.

We believe there is an untapped market for sponsors who support women race car drivers.

We intend to take the lead in bringing those sponsors to skilled women drivers.

Your involvement is welcome. Your thoughts, your ideas, your talents can all be put to good use in making the vision of Thunder Valley Racing a reality.

Please contact us.

Editor's Notebook

Gone Racin'
by T.W. Theodore

Wouldn't you love to hang a sign on your door that says, "Gone Racin'. Back When I Get Here". You'd just load your race car in your trailer, head out to the first race you could find, and keep going from one race to another. Wouldn't that be great?

Instead, we spend most of our time not racing. Even those of us lucky enough to be involved in the sport spend most of our time not racing. We may be thinking about racing, planning on racing, scheming to get the money to go racing, dreaming of racing, justifying our racing to our families/spouses/bosses/neighbors and everyone else who doesn't understand why we want to go racing. But we aren't, damn it, racing!

Most of us, myself included, also have the added pesky burden of having to actually make some money. I've been plagued lately to be very busy in this latter endeavor. My clients don't seem to understand that I'd rather be racing, or talking about racing, or planning on racing, or dreaming of racing, than to be spending my time on their concerns which, by comparison, seem frivolous.

[Discaimer for any of my clients who might read this. I'm speaking to a group of racing addicts, here. Any relationship between what we consider essential or frivolous and what rational folk consider essential or frivolous is completely unlikely. When I'm working on your behalf, I promise to remain rational.]

More than one race car driver has said that racing is life, the rest is just waiting. If you understand what they mean, you know how I'm feeling right now.

--T.W. Theodore

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