Koger Race ReportSunshine Speedwayby Trish Koger "What a year!" Rick Koger was quoted as saying after the conclusion of the November 1st Legends Cars of Florida feature race at Sunshine Speedway. The Florida Online / TK Racing team rolled in to Clearwater, Florida, for the final race of the 1997 season. It was an appropriate venue. Sunshine would be the last race of my first full season, as it had been the site for my very first Legends Car race in July 1996.
As expected, we had a full field to end the year. Twenty-four cars were on hand to battle for those last valuable points in the series' standings. Tim Williamson (#6) and I were in one of the closest battles, with just a few points separating us for third place in the Semi-Pro Division. Unlike our wet escapades at the National Championships in Charlotte, the weather was extremely cooperative. A strong front pushed through north-central Florida throughout the day, and stalled just south of the track. (Some drivers later claimed that, as they left that night, they hit rain just ten minutes from the track.) We were lucky -- but, then again, we HAD paid our dues! Speaking of paying dues, the number draw was also merciful to the #90's starting position. I drew #15, and started fourth in the second heat. I'd have a fighting chance...
After we lined up, the wait in the staging area was a long one. During the first heat race, a car dumped oil all through turns three and four. Rain on the track is one thing, you can adjust to it if you have to -- but, oil is another story. It spells disaster. An extensive red flag period allowed the track crew to clean the spill, and then the first race was completed. We were up. The second heat rolled out in formation for our warmup lap. We took the green, and we were OFF! We managed to complete a few laps when some cars went spinning through turn three. The oil that had eluded the cleanup crew the first time had reared it's ugly head again. So, while the yellow flag kept waving, we continued circling the track and scrubbing our tires, and the crew took another shot at de-slicking the track. Now for the strange turn of events... After about five pace laps, we were coming out of turn two when the pace car shut off it's flashing light and turned into the infield. Up ahead, however, some members of the clean up crew were still straggling across the track. Talk about your mixed signals... or, should I say, MISSED signals?
I pulled down my visor and got ready for the restart. The #13M in front of me, however, continued to scrub his tires. When the #74f hit turn three... he stomped on the gas, the green flag waved, and ZOOM, he was gone! It was like the twilight zone. I saw the start happening, but yet I was trapped behind someone who obviously didn't have a clue that we were back racing. In the driver's meeting, the officials had declared that their rule for single-file restarts was simple -- no passing another car on the inside until you pass the start / finish line. Well, that rule gets OVERruled by your foot on the gas pedal when the leader has fired and the guy in front of you is scrubbing his tires and turned towards the outside. I just WENT!
Like I was blasted out of a cannon, I passed the #13M and tore down the straightaway to chase down the leaders. I had regained fourth place in the pass, and held it until the checkered flag. The #13M drove to the closest track official in the infield immediately following the race, and I followed him. I wanted a chance to give my side of the story. After my explanation, the reply I received was, "Well, honey, I don't know what to tell you." Being referred to as "honey" was not a good sign... Rick and I figured that, at worst, they'd penalize me by scoring me behind the #13M. They threw the book at me, however, and I was bumped back to 20th starting position for the feature. Needless to say, that was NOT how I had hoped to end my season! We took the green flag, and I was running well. After a few laps, I wound up behind the #32 of Russ Allen. I managed to sustain much greater momentum out of the corners than Russ, so I was running up on him as we exited each turn. As we came out of turn four, however, he let off and I was on him before I could turn to avoid him. We clashed bumpers, booting him forward, and spinning me out. In the meantime, a pack of cars came barreling in behind us, pinning the #22 of Bill Smith up towards the wall... towards me! I held my breath as Bill slammed on the brakes. I was having flashbacks of Charlotte! Miraculously, however, Bill managed to stop just as his bumper came to rest with mine. Phew -- WAY too close for comfort.
Since Legends Cars have no reverse, Bill and I took a minute to get separated. But, we finally got on our way and joined the pack. The second track rule, however, dictates that ALL cars involved in an accident must restart from the back. So, now I was 23rd -- and that was DEFINITELY not how I wanted to end my season! For the rest of my racing career, I will probably never forget the remainder of that particular feature. Like someone had light a fire under me, I raced like there was no tomorrow. I was totally focused and had nothing to lose, so I let it all hang out... and I had a complete blast! I wasn't counting, but Rick later told me that I charged up from 23rd to 13th position in only eight laps. I was passing cars on the inside, charging down the next pack, and then passing cars on the outside. I finished the season with 13th place, but it was the most fun I have had behind the wheel yet. I loved every second of it! Robert Ham, once again, took the honors of the victory. He has taken four for four since he's returned to Legends, and my hat's off to him! Okay, I admit it -- my hat's really off to collect donations for a fund to send him back up to the big leagues! Just kidding, Robert. It's a pleasure to race against you -- we're all better racers for it! With the end of the season, the Legends Cars of Florida held a wonderful breakfast banquet the following Sunday morning. I was honored to receive recognition for 4th place in the Semi-Pro Division. Tim took 3rd, but if I had to battle anyone for it, I'm glad it was Tim. He's a good, clean racer who earned it fair and square. He'll be moving to the Masters Division next year. Smart move, Tim... next year I won't be so merciful! :-) For my first full season in Legends, against some of the best competition in the country, I was very pleased to have also taken home 12th place honors overall. Out of the competition, I'd particularly like to congratulate Paul Schrien for capturing both the Pro Division and Legends Cars of Florida 1997 Champ honors. He is certainly one of the best that I race against!
Now that the season has come to an end, Rick and I would like to take the opportunity to thank a few folks... Thanks to Frank Walker and the rest of the Legends Cars of Florida gang (in listing them all, I'm afraid that I'd forget someone). Using their own resources, they literally pulled our series back from the brink... and then transformed it back into a series we can be proud to call our own! Your hard work, patience, and good deeds have not gone unnoticed. We look forward to working with you again in 1998! Thanks to Dr. Catherine Edwards, Dr. Walt Drane, and the whole Shands Hospital team for these past six years. Without you, none of this would have been possible -- and I will always keep a reminder of that on my race car! Thanks to Lyn St. James and all the other women I have encountered through racing. The race car doesn't know (or care) if it's a man or a woman behind the wheel... it's usually when we take off our helmets that things really start to get interesting! Thanks to the ever-growing list of TK Racing fans. When I am asked what I most like about racing, my first answer is always the people. Rick and I really feel like we have an extended family -- thanks for all your support! Finally, and most especially, Rick and I would like to extend our utmost gratitude to Florida Online. Thank you for being our greatest supporters. We have been proud and privileged to represent you every step of the way! Away from the track, the talents and technology from Florida Online have enabled us to share Legends Car racing and our experiences with people from all over the world -- the emails keep pouring in, and we're thrilled to keep answering them! Thanks, again, for making all these opportunities possible! As a final note, I personally hope everyone has enjoyed these race reports. I appreciate the feedback I have received... please let me know if there is anything you'd like to hear more (or less) about for the 1998 season! 'Til the next green flag... please keep it touch. --Trish Koger #90 To send a letter to Trish, email to koger@thunval.com Check out the Distant Thunder archives for other articles by women drivers. ![]()