wimsa update A special two-day event called 'Driven Women' has been planned for women with an interest in motor sport or who simply like driving. The days, organised by women in motor sport association (wimsa) with the support of Jim Murcott's Advanced Driving Centre, are designed as a fun "come and try", informative event incorporating a range of motor sport and general driving activities. Run at motor racing venues across Australia, the 'Driven Women' series emphasize the difference between motor racing and safe driving on a day-to-day basis. wimsa president Cristine Ferrucci Jones says the Association is concerned at press reports of the increasingly aggressive behavior of young women drivers. She says the days will encourage participants to take a much safer and more responsible approach to everyday motoring. The NSW event run over the Easter weekend at Oran Park 3 & 5 April '99 was very successful despite the weather conditions. All participants had fun and confidence in safe motoring was put to the test given the wet conditions. South Australia put on some great weather for the 'Driven Women' Series '99 held on 15 May, at Adelaide International Raceway and 16 May, at Mallala Motor Sport Park. A large group, some of who attended last year's "Fast women" event, supported both days. Special Guest SA Auscar Driver Leanne Ross had her racing car on display to give us a closer look at the real picture
"We enjoyed ourselves so much last year that we had to tell our friends" A special thank you must go to Davinia Stamoulis who not only had all her friends attend and but her mum as well, for the second year running It wasn't hard to see how much the participants benefited by taking advantage of the excellent value the two-day course and the quality tuition Jim Murcott's Advanced Driving Centre Team of instructors had to offer. Jim Murcott flew up on the Sunday, which put the icing on the cake. Victoria also put on a magnificent weekend for the series. If the Shell Touring Car Round at Sandown held you back from attending don't feel bad we were booked out for this one. Again the amazing variety of muscle vehicles turned up with their petite owners. It continues to surprise the instructors how these women are willing to learn and keen to put the skills taught into practice. The feed back from Jim Murcott's Team of instructors, who are some of Australia's great motor sport talent, is how pleasant the women have been to work with. For further information or bookings to the following venues please contact Cristine Ferrucci Jones. Please note wimsa's new contact numbers (03) 9545-0952 Fax: (03) 9545-0963 Mobile 0417-059 001 or e-mail cristine@wimsa.asn.au 'Driven Women' Lakeside Qld.............................11-12 September 1999 'Driven Women' Symons Plains Tas. ........................2 - 3 October 1999