Paula Elstrek hits 575 kmh in the Aussie Invader 3 Land Speed jet car
Melbourne's Paula Elstrek raced across the dry salt Lake Gairdner at 575 kilometres per hour in her first ever full power run in the jet engined Aussie Invader 3, preparing for an attempt on the world land speed record. Invader 3 is powered by a 36,000 horsepower Mirage jet engine, and Rosco McGlashan had earlier made some runs in the new car as he prepared for his attempt on the world land speed record, reaching 600kmh. Then he made way for the versatile Elstrek, who was stepping in the complete unknown in the world's most powerful car - 40 times more powerful than an F1 racer. Lake Gairdner is a dry salt lake, ideal for land speed attempts.
Paula's first run, over 4 kilometres, was to get the feel of the car and
the salt, which has been compared to driving on a wet road with slick
tyres - the ultimate low friction surface.
Just 15 minutes later, her second run was under full power, with the afterburner, using 8 kilometres of track in total. A peak speed of 575 kilometres per hour at the end of the measured kilometre, the fastest speed ever recorded by a woman on four wheels.
McGLASHAN said "Fantastic, looks like she's done a hell of a job, very impressive."
"Got a bit loose halfway through on afterburn, but after that I just hung onto it. I didn't know what to expect. It's an amazing feeling." The next target for Elstrek is Kitty O'Neill's world record of 825 Kmh, set in a 3 wheeled rocket car. Rosco McGlashan's ultimate target is Andy Green's 1223 Kmh.