This is the first version of the Thunder Valley Racing web site, from 1996. I had to have a high school kid show me how to do the simple html involved. The external links have been deactivated. |
Creating opportunities for
in professional auto racing
January 1997
Your online newsletter about and for women in racing
Editor's Notebook / Margie Smith-Haas / Past Drivers of the Month / Archives of Articles / Racing Images / Web Sites for Women in Sports / Comments
ThunderValley's featured driver and the only woman ever to win a professional road racing championship in North America
Margie's Racing Biography
Drivers of the
Kat Teasdale / Terry MacDonald-Cadiuex / Sarah Kavanagh / Suzi Blume / Jennifer Tumminelli / Lisa Devlin / Dawn Vranas / Christine Karns
Drivers and Cars
Articles from past issues of Distant Thunder
Tell us about yourself and your interest in racing
If you race, send us a short bio / If you are a fan of women in racing, tell us why
To learn about our vision for women in racing: ThunderValleyVision
To be put on our e-mail list: Webmaster.ThunderValley
This WWWomen
WebRing site is owned by Thunder Valley
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