Once again, we've been overwhelmed with e-mail. Here's a sample of recent comments from our readers.
"I am a second year student at the University of Calgary, with future aspirations to go into law. I can't get enough of auto and motorcycle racing. I have to be honest though, I am more partial to two wheels than four, but it is so encouraging to have discovered your web site. I grew interested in motorcycles a few years back when an ex (boyfriend) purchased a ZX-7. I rode on the back once and vowed I would never be a passenger again! I waited a couple of years and, when my parents had a little less authoritative power, I bought a 1990 Suzuki Katan 600. I sold my Katana, purchased an FZR 400, took the roadrace school, and have participated in the last two races of the 1996 season. I loved it!"
AP - C.,B.C.
"What a great idea! Please put me on your e-mail list. I am a Formula Ford driver in Vancouver, B.C., involved in the formation of the Canadian Formula Drivers' Association, and I would love to be in touch with other women racers!"
DB - V.,B.C.
"Hello. I am Christine Karns' boyfriend. I just wanted to thank you for helping Christine, and all of the other women in auto racing who are giving it their best shot.
A.W. - PA
"I would like to wish Sarah (Kavanagh) luck in the next seasons and in achieving my childhood dream of making it to Formula One. The hopes of every little girl who wanted to be the next Alain Prost rest with her."
K.H. - M.U.
"This is the first time I have found your newsletter on the Web and I can't tell you how thrilled I was to see it! I have been involved in racing for nearly 30 years. I have recently become a little more involved as my younger sister is a full time dirt track driver in the Street Stock division. I would enjoy reading about the challenges many women face when entering the 'man's world'. I have witnessed them first hand as my sister has been treated differently by many of the drivers because she is a 'girl' (she is 33 years old).
JT - aol
"I drove in my first powder puff at age 16. Ran some drag races with boyfriends cars in the 70's. Avid race fan all my life. Had three children who raced quarter midgets for the last 10 years, including my daughter. Currently own and operate a slot car track (1/24 scale model racing) named Slots of Fun, in Bloomington, Illinois. We advertise as an equal opportunity raceway every chance we get. Thought you might get a kick out of that!"
D.F. - B.I.
"I am very interested in receiving your newsletter. I am so excited to have found your web page. I am a huge women's racing fan and am beginning my own racing career, so this newsletter is perfect!"
B.W. - aol
from previous issues of Distant Thunder